DS 106 AB: Audio: Reverse Audio Quiz!
I had a lot of fun playing around and choosing an audio assignment from the ds106 assignment bank. I finally settled on an Reverse Audio...

The Daily Create- See Beyond the Buildings
This is my third daily create, so far these daily creates have been fun and interesting. Plus side is that these definitely do not take...

The Daily Create- Bride Throwing Cat
For my second daily create we were asked to create an image of a bride throwing a cat. I hope you all find this hilariously cute!...
Critique Week 1-2
Critique: Gaming can make a better world by Jane McGonigal In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits...
Critique Week 1-1
Critique: Video Games, Learning, and Literacy by James Paul Gee In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation...
Reading Response- Chapter 1
My interest in Lankshear & Knobel’s work is focused around the idea of what is considered literate and how the word “new” is associated...

DS106 AB: Visual- Say It like the Peanut Butter
For this assignment from DS 106, it asked us to make a GIF from a movie of our choosing. With my interested in games I decided what...
The Daily Create-To My Parents
Dear Mom, I want to express how much you mean to me because I am not always able to. You and dad came here to America with hopes to make...