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DS 106 AB: Replay Value

For this assignment, I chose to do the Replay Value assignment from the DS106 Assignment Bank. The screenshot I chose was of a game I played when I was in High School. Now, I would like to think I have been a gamer most of my life, but Ragnarok was a game that was special to me. I believe Ragnarok was where I began to learn the meaning behind online relationships and the complexities behind them. Ragnarok was a game I played with my real life friends, but also where I met a lot of my online friends. The story I chose to discuss for this screenshot is about my experience being in a guild called Celestial Drifters. Celestial Drifters was a guild I was a part of in Ragnarok for a very long time and built many relationships with. The people I played with varied from across the world and each one of us came from a different background. However, though we had different experiences, we all shared the same passion of playing the game and playing it together. I often remember us talking to each other with our microphones or on chat, laughing and playing. It was a time where we just wanted to have fun and took passion in playing the game because we enjoyed it so much. The people I met would host both online and in person parties together to meet and hang out. I could remember people driving down from Canada to meet with other members from our guild in the U.S. The people I meant showed a care for each other and took enjoyment out of what they were doing. Many would express their joy for playing through different means such as making videos or drawing pictures. Though time has passed, many of the members still keep in touch through social media and looking back in my gaming experience I would say Ragnarok was one of my most memorable.

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