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Let's Talk About Depression

Depression is a topic that is not discussed openly for many reasons. There is a fear to discuss your feelings because many do not want to show their weaknesses. However, depression is very serious and has led to many tragedies before as many of us have seen either through the news or social media. So if we recognize that depression does exist then why is it that we never talk about it until it is too late? I believe everyone has gone through some kind of depression one point in their lives and had wished that someone was there for them. Now luckily I am sure some of you did, however how would it have felt like if no one was there for you? I encourage you to talk to the people close to you and just ask questions because it is often those who say that they are okay that really aren’t. Now I am not saying that everyone is depressed but it wouldn’t hurt just talking to others especially in a time now where talking face to face seems to be fading away. Kevin Breel’s Ted Talk is a story of many who have suffered through depression and were never able to share it. Take a look and let me know what you all think.

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