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Critique Week 2-1

Critique: Schools Use Games for Learning Assessment- Edutopia

In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed:

  • Story

  • Originality, Voice, and Creativity

  • Flow, organization, and pacing

Story: 10/10

My rating for the story of this digital story is 10/10, I enjoyed their statement on how we no longer live in an industrial economy and have turned into a knowledge based economy. I also enjoyed the transition of how game based learning is being used in many different areas and not just education.

Originality, Voice, and Creativity: 8/10

The voice was clear and understandable, as for creativity goes I enjoyed how the video used students as examples of how games can affect learning. However, the originality seemed like any other documentary.

Flow, Organization, Pacing: 10/10

The presentation followed a good pace, organization and flow that the audience could follow. I enjoyed the demonstrations on how different fields were using games in their learning and training. The flow and organization made a lot of sense in how gamification is becoming relevant in many different fields today.

What these traits fail to capture about this story and what other characteristics are noteworthy?

What is failed to be captured in this story is how gamification is more than introducing games into a classroom. Just by giving a student a game does not mean they are going to be interested. Individuals should understand that games are a catalyst towards learning but only if a student is interested and invested.

How could this digital story be improved?

This digital story could be better by enticing more emotions, especially as a video. Also, this video could be improved by explaining how and why students are interested in video games and how certain games are designed to entice students to want to do more.

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