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Critique Week 2-2

Critique: Extra Credits- How Games Can Improve Our Schools

In this week’s critique I will be using three assessment/evaluation traits from Jason Ohler’s assessment traits. The three traits I have chosen for this digital story are as listed:

  • Story

  • Originality, Voice, and Creativity

  • Sense of Audience

Story: 10/10

As some of you know I am a huge fan of Extra Credit and their vlogs, personally I think their story was great. I enjoyed their statement of how it is not enough to incorporate games into learning but you have to also make the student interested. Often, I think when people hear gaming learning they just assume to create a learning based game and throw it at students, when it really is not that simple.

Originality, Voice, and Creativity: 10/10

The was voice was clear and understandable, I enjoyed how they openly admitted they did not claim to know everything and the topic they were discussing had much more to it. It was also made very clear that this vlog was very opinionated.

Sense of Audience: 10/10

The presentation was engaging as it brought fun animation and examples in the video. I definitely felt that the video was speaking to me as an audience instead of at me. I found the presentation to be humorous and enjoyable to watch. I also felt that the video was trying to ask me questions as an audience to think of my own answers.

What these traits fail to capture about this story and what other characteristics are noteworthy?

What is failed to be captured in this story is the complexity behind games in education. Also, though they admitted there were no experts in the video, individuals should also research where their opinions are coming from and if their information on certain statements were valid.

How could this digital story be improved?

This digital story could be improved if they presented more research and proof in their presentation. Even though opinionated, I think adding more proof and research would more incline the audience to listen to what you have to say and also spread the word.

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